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Extreme Temperatures are Coming! Stay Safe!


Wind chills are predicted to get as low as -35 degrees in some areas of Kansas over the next few days.  Please take extra precautions at home and while traveling.  If you don't have to leave the warmth of your home, then please don't!  

Sign up for local emergency and weather related notifications through Coffey County Emergency Management:

Keep an eye on the weather:

Check road conditions BEFORE you go:,39.04521,6?show=roadReports,constructionReports,trafficSpeeds,winterDriving,weatherRadar

Prepare your vehicle for a break down.  Don't get caught in the extreme cold with only the clothes on your back for warmth:

Stock up on essential groceries beforehand so you don't have to leave home. 

Drip your faucets and protect your pipes so they don't freeze:

Service your home heater and make sure you have propane (if applicable) in your tanks!  

Bring your pets inside, if they can't come inside, be sure to provide adequate shelter for them (wind blocks, warm bedding such as hay/straw, water (in a heated bowl to prevent freezing if possible), etc.  

Check on your neighbors! 

Know your plan and be prepared in case your power goes out and you don't have heat!

Visit the Red Cross website for more information on winter weather readiness:

Hopefully warmer weather is on the way, but for now, please do your diligence to protect yourself in these coming cold temperatures. Stay safe Coffey County.